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Returns all children areas and their data for specified time period, area and metric. This endpoint is intended to only return data for selected metric, and not all metrics for indicators, hence the metricID query parameter.


cvd_indicator_child_data(time_period_id = 17, area_id = 74, metric_id = 1)



integer - time period for which to return data (compulsory)


integer - area for which all children data will be returned (compulsory)


integer - metric for which to return data (compulsory)


Tibble of details for the specified metric in the child areas of the specified area


CVD Prevent API documentation: Indicator child data


cvd_indicator_child_data(time_period_id = 17, area_id = 74, metric_id = 126) |>
  dplyr::select(AreaID, AreaName, Value, LowerConfidenceLimit, UpperConfidenceLimit)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 5
#>   AreaID AreaName                Value LowerConfidenceLimit UpperConfidenceLimit
#>    <int> <chr>                   <dbl>                <dbl>                <dbl>
#> 1    226 Wrekin PCN              100                   80                  100  
#> 2    899 Se Shropshire PCN       100                   88                  100  
#> 3    435 Newport And Central PCN  93.3                 72.2                100  
#> 4   1373 Shrewsbury PCN           92.3                 75.9                 96.6
#> 5   1201 North Shropshire PCN     91.3                 73.1                 96.2
#> 6    848 Sw Shropshire PCN        90.9                 64.3                100  
#> 7   1338 Teldoc PCN               80                   60.7                 89.3
#> 8    731 South East Telford PCN   77.8                 57.1                 90.5