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Returns all sibling areas and their data for specified time period, area and metric. This endpoint is intended to only return data for selected metric, and not all metrics for a chosen indicator, hence the metric_id query parameter.


cvd_indicator_sibling(time_period_id = 17, area_id = 30, metric_id = 1)



integer - time period for which to return data (compulsory)


integer - area for which all sibling data will be returned (compulsory)


integer - metric for which to return data (compulsory)


Tibble of data for indicators for the area and its siblings in the time period


CVD Prevent API documentation: Indicator sibling data


cvd_indicator_sibling(time_period_id = 17, area_id = 1103, metric_id = 126) |>
  dplyr::select(AreaID, AreaName, Value, LowerConfidenceLimit, UpperConfidenceLimit)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#>   AreaID AreaName                Value LowerConfidenceLimit UpperConfidenceLimit
#>    <int> <chr>                   <dbl>                <dbl>                <dbl>
#> 1   1103 3 Centres PCN           100                   84.2                100  
#> 2   1023 The Valleys Health & S…  93.8                 73.7                100  
#> 3    315 Tolson Care Partnershi…  90.9                 64.3                100  
#> 4    709 Spen Health & Wellbein…  90.9                 72                   96  
#> 5    523 Dewsbury & Thornhill P…  88.9                 58.3                100  
#> 6    607 The Mast PCN             88.9                 58.3                100  
#> 7   1055 Greenwood PCN            86.7                 61.1                 94.4
#> 8    606 Batley Birstall PCN      86.7                 61.1                 94.4
#> 9   1334 Viaduct Care PCN         69.2                 43.8                 87.5