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Pathway groups are sub-groupings of Priority Groups, visible in the Regional & ICS Insights page. This endpoint returns a single pathway group for a given group ID. An error will be returned if there is no pathway group associated with the given ID. For a valid request, Pathway Group ID and named are returned as key value pairs and the Indicators populate an array.


cvd_indicator_pathway_group(pathway_group_id = 10)



integer - the pathway to return data for (compulsory)


Tibble of indicators grouped by pathway groups


CVD Prevent API documentation: Indicator pathway group


# Return indicators for the 'Chronic Kidney Disease' Pathway Group (ID 9):
cvd_indicator_pathway_group(pathway_group_id = 9) |>
  dplyr::select(PathwayGroupName, PathwayGroupID, IndicatorCode, IndicatorID, IndicatorName)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   PathwayGroupName       PathwayGroupID IndicatorCode IndicatorID IndicatorName 
#>   <chr>                           <int> <chr>               <int> <chr>         
#> 1 Chronic Kidney Disease              9 CVDP002CKD             13 Percentage of…
#> 2 Chronic Kidney Disease              9 CVDP001CKD              8 Prevalence of…
#> 3 Chronic Kidney Disease              9 CVDP006CKD             29 Percentage of…
#> 4 Chronic Kidney Disease              9 CVDP005CKD             19 Percentage of…
#> 5 Chronic Kidney Disease              9 CVDP007CKD             31 Percentage of…
#> 6 Chronic Kidney Disease              9 CVDP010CHOL            23 Percentage of…