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Returns data for the SystemLevel Comparison chart for provided metric, area and time period. Data contains the target value as well as an array SystemLevels which contains data grouped by system level.


  metric_id = 1,
  time_period_id = 1,
  area_id = 50



integer - the metric to return data for (compulsory)


integer - the time period to return data for (compulsory)


integer - the area to return data for (compulsory)


Tibble of metric performance for the specified area and all other areas in the same system level in the time period


CVD Prevent API documentation: Indicator metric system level comparison


# return performance for metric 'AF: DOAC & VitK' in people aged 40-59 years
# (metric ID 1270) in time period 17 for Salford South East PCN (area ID 705)
# and all other PCNs - truncated to a sample of four PCN performances:
cvd_indicator_metric_systemlevel_comparison(metric_id = 1270,
time_period_id = 17, area_id = 705) |>
  dplyr::filter(AreaID %in% c(705:709), ! |>
  dplyr::select(SystemLevelName, AreaID, AreaName, Value)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   SystemLevelName AreaID AreaName                    Value
#>   <chr>            <int> <chr>                       <dbl>
#> 1 PCN                705 Salford South East PCN       80.5
#> 2 PCN                707 Haringey - North East PCN    88  
#> 3 PCN                708 Teesdale PCN                100  
#> 4 PCN                709 Spen Health & Wellbeing PCN  85.7